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Cheylesmore - 1-2 Quinton Parade

Acting for a retailer in Cheylesmore, Coventry, I arranged referral of a rent review at 1-2 Quinton Parade to an independent expert and the revised rent was determined accordingly.

The Lease requires the tenant to pay all costs of the determination (the expert's fees) if the determination were within 10% of the landlord's proposal, so the expert took it upon himself to determine my Client should pay all costs. However, what the expert overlooked was a) the proposal was that which had been made at the date of the application to the RICS for the appointment of the expert and b) the expert's role in the procedure did not extend to responsibility for costs. At the date of my application to the RICS, the landlord had not proposed any rent so I reasoned the provision for costs did not apply. Also, I reasoned that apportioning responsibility for costs was a separate issue which was nothing whatsoever to do with the expert. It was an arrangement the parties had agreed would apply after the determination were released and not part of the actual determination process. 

Needless to say, the landlord's surveyor did not agree but, because I stuck to my guns the expert found himself in an invidious position, so the landlord said he would obtain legal opinion. Whilst waiting for the lawyers, the landlord's surveyor sent me a memorandum for my Client to sign to  confirm the new rent. I obtained my Client's signature but did not return the Memorandum to the landlord's surveyor for completion; instead I said that because the expert's determination on costs was included in the determination the entire determination was invalid pending resolution of the costs issue.  I emphasised that whereas I was not going to recommend the revised rent should not be agreed, I did not
think it should be payable until after the issue of costs was finally disposed of, so if the landlord's legal opinion did not agree with my opinion, I should arrange for my Client's solicitors to apply to the Court for a declaration. However, without prejudice, I offered to advise my Client to return the Memorandum for completion and pay the rent without further ado if the landlord would agree to pay half the expert's costs. The landlord realising the matter could take months to resolve, not to mention mounting legal costs, capitulated.


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