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How to instruct Michael Lever

You may instruct me by contacting me directly, or through managing agents or your solicitors.

At the start, I shall put my terms in writing and ask you to confirm.

To protect your interests, I shall need the following documents - it's okay to provide copies:

▪ The completed Lease, including any plans
▪ Any Licences to Alter, Assign, Vary the Use, Deed of Variation, etc
▪ Any side-letters, including the last rent review memorandum.
▪ If you are the tenant, the Notice and/or Proposal from the Landlord, or its advisers
▪ Any other information you feel would be of help, including if available, scale plans.

If you instruct me direct and do not have the documents, I can obtain them from your solicitors if easier for you.

If negotiations have already started but you would prefer to be represented, then I am happy to take over at any stage.

To contact me, please email or telephone 01531 631892

I look forward to helping you in some way.

Michael Lever
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