Business Rates 2 - Spare a thought?

Following on from my article about Business Rates in the LandlordZone Newsletter, business rates are a tax on non-domestic property, but spare a thought for the recipients… For further reading, please visit LandlordZone.

Business Rates

The oldest of the UK’s taxes, with the possible exception of stamp duty, the origins of rating can be traced to before… For further reading, please visit LandlordZone.

Tax and Property

Some years ago, an overseas investor enquiring about my services suggested that most surveyors do not understand tax and property. For further reading, please visit LandlordZone.

Safety in Numbers

Physically outwardly people are different and different nationalities each have their own cultures but, other than gender, human beings are basically inwardly the same. For further reading, please visit LandlordZone - click here